Betting Tips

Have you thought about betting? Here we have the best content, tips, guesses and predictions that you can bet on. This advice on various kinds of sports, from football to eSports

Sports betting
Betting Tips

Sports betting tips that might help you

Sports betting is not an exact science and no one can promise you the exact outcome of a sporting event. Take your chances, follow the right profiles and secure your bets to maximise your chances of success!  Bet on a striker in football When in doubt about the big games, betting on a striker is […]

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rugby betting
Betting Tips

How to bet on Rugby

If you think about it, rugby is a special sport in the world of French sport. Just like motor sports in Italy, cycling in Belgium and US Soccer in the US, rugby is the number one sport  behind the sacrosanct football. It is therefore no surprise that this sport is very often favoured and highlighted […]

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