Modern gambling entertainment offered by the BetChan casino is impossible without decks of cards. Cards have been popular at all times among different segments of the population, regardless of gender and age differences or status in society. Casinos offer to plunge into the world of gambling entertainment, preliminarily familiarizing yourself with the evolution of modern playing decks. This will help to understand the rules and principles of the game, faster and more comfortable to get into the process.
History of the Deck

There is no generally accepted theory about the peculiarities of the origin of modern playing cards. The fact is that the modern deck was not formed at once. The first attempts to display certain information on various media were improved over time. Initially, pieces of leather, ivory, bamboo and even shells of mollusks were used as the basis for the image:
- China. At first ordinary sheets were used as a basis, and later wooden oblong plates became widespread. Decks resembling modern ones appeared only in the 12th century. China is also famous for the invention of the game Mahjong, which is remotely similar to poker.
- Egypt. This ancient civilization is considered the birthplace of tarology. Many people know from popular feature films that the priests encoded secret messages on tablets of precious metal. The principle of the carriers and the individual elements eventually transformed into the modern known images.
- India. The ancient oval pictures depicted animals and plants, gods, household items, weapons and other objects of the surrounding world, which were invariably revered by representatives of civilization.
In European chronicles, the mention of the essential elements of any gambling entertainment dates back to the XIV century and has many versions concerning the person who created the first prototype of the modern deck. Over time, a ban on gambling was introduced in some states, but the taboo was not observed by all and did not work for a long time.
Types of Decks
Playing cards from the moment they appeared quickly spread around the world and became popular in every region of a particular state. In practice, there were several types of decks, which differed in the number of pictures, the name and the image of suits.
Thus, in Germany it was customary to depict clubs in black, spades in green, and hearts and diamonds in yellow. The image of the queen was abandoned in principle, leaving the ace, king and two officers as the senior pictures. Until the middle of the XIX century there were 48 elements.
In Switzerland, clubs were represented by acorns, spades by shields, hearts by roses, and diamonds by diamonds. The French were the first to invent double-headed cards and indices, and were the first to use only black and red colors in the designation of suits.
Playing Cards in Casinos
No gambling game today is without modern playing cards. Online games traditionally use cards with a standard pattern and common international names: A, K, Q, J. Their images are found on the reels and help complete winning combinations. Tables are a separate category of gambling entertainment in which commonly known pictures are used as integral elements of the game.