Every variety of poker, which is particularly popular among those who regularly enter Bob Casino login and password, uses the concept of the stack. It is about the chips designed to play at the table. They act as in-game currency and allow you to place bets. There are a total of five types of stack:

- Deep.
- Full.
- Incomplete.
- Short.
- Ultra-short.
They differ in their size, which has a significant impact on the game. And so it is worth considering them in more detail.
How Is It Calculated?
It is not a constant value and depends directly on the minimum bet of the gaming table.
To calculate it, just divide the number of chips by the big blind – the mandatory bet made by the second player to the left of the batten.
What Is an Effective Poker Stack?
The effective stack is the ratio of your amount to your opponent’s. To illustrate, here’s a concrete example: you have $350 and your opponent has only $180. $180 would be the effective stack in poker.
If we are talking about several players at the cash table, the comparison is made on the same principle, but only between 2 of those present. Again, if the game is in heads-up mode, and you have twice as many chips as your opponent, then ½ of it will be a useless or inefficient stack.
First Type: Deep Stack
The Deep Stack is when a player’s chip count exceeds 200 big blinds. It often gives players a feeling of relaxation, and the game itself often gives a so-called freestyle.
Second Type: Full Stack
The Full Stack starts at 140-150 big blinds. Since most poker strategies involve playing with this stack, it is generally considered optimal.
Third Type: Incomplete Stack
This type of stack varies from 30 to 70 big blinds. If you believe the experts, playing with this amount of chips is not very comfortable, because many decisions will be difficult to implement. Because of the increased chance of an opponent’s response to a bet, it is harder for the player to bluff by going all-in.
Fourth Type: Short (Small) Stack
A Short Stack fully lives up to its name, as it involves only 25 to 30 big blinds. To play with a short stack, each type of poker uses its own game strategies. For example, in Hold’em or Omaha, players with a designated stack conduct aggressive draws with frequent postings and all-in. The reason for this is that risking a small sum is not as exciting after all.
Fifth Type: Ultra-short Stack
As you can see by its name, the ultra-short stack is the minimum, not exceeding 10 big blinds. This fact complicates the situation. Despite this, Texas Hold’em has a strategy for it as well. It involves playing aggressively and going all-in on the opening betting round. We’re talking about the pre-flop. This situation has its own name – the Sklansky-Chubukov push, received in honor of the researchers who conducted a detailed study of this topic: Professor of Mathematical Sciences Andrei Chubukov and a popular poker theorist David Sklansky.
At large poker tournaments, the blinds increase significantly for the final contest, affecting the stack accordingly. As a result, even with a few dozen big blinds, the stack is already classified as big, not short.